Nasz zespół » » Dr Przemysław Nowak

Dr Przemysław Nowak

Dr Przemysław Nowak - orthopedic and traumatology specialistław-Nowak.jpg

Dr Przemysław Nowak – orthopedic and traumatology specialist. Director of Ortomasters Clinic. He graduated from the Medical Academy in Warsaw and specializes in orthopedics and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system. Doctor gained his professional experience in renowned Warsaw centres, including the Trauma and Orthopedic Ward in the Praski Hospital and at the Traumatology and Orthopedic Hospital at Barska Street, where he served as a junior assistant.

Dr Przemysław Nowak specializes in ultrasound imaging of motor organs with elements of rheumatologic diagnostics of knee, ankle and foot.

Doctor Przemysław Nowak takes care of patients after spinal injuries. In his orthopedic practice he uses both methods of conservative and surgical treatment. He performs ultrasound examination of the musculoskeletal system, handles tendon imaging, as well as conducts ultrasound of the hip joints in children towards the detection of dysplasia.

Among the treatments, he performs ,are minimally invasive therapeutic methods, such as injections, intraoral blocks and punctures. He offers modern methods of treatment to his patients, regularly participates in medical conferences and training courses, thanks to which he raises his professional qualifications. He speaks English very well.

Dr Przemysław Nowak enjoys kitesurfing.


+48 534 34 90 90 Umów wizytę

ul. Warowna 1 lok. U4
02-654 Warszawa

Godziny przyjęć

od pon. do pt.: 7:00 – 21:00
od sob. do niedz.: 8:00 – 20:00

Mapa dojazdowa


ul. Warowna 1 lok. U4
02-654 Warszawa
Godziny otwarcia:
poniedziałek-piątek: 7:00 - 21:00
sobota-niedziela: 8:00 - 20:00 (po uzgodnieniu telefonicznym)
Płatność: gotówką lub kartą płatniczą
DYSPONUJEMY OZNACZONYMI MIEJSCAMI PARKINGOWYMI BEZPOŚREDNIO PRZED PRZYCHODNIĄ. Dojazd do przychodni możliwy autobusami ZTM 136, 141, 172 przystanek znajduje się bezpośrednio przed wjazdem na teren osiedla około 100 metrów od Przychodni.
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